
A cross-platform framework for viewers to collectively play a streamer's game.

What is IC Hack?

IC Hack is the largest student-run hackathon in the UK hosted yearly by DoCSoc. Running since 2012, 400 students of the college get together for 24 hours of learning, building, fun, and networking with the aim to build incredible hacks!


We were inspired to work on this project by the famous "Twitch Plays Pokemon" stream, where users in chat were able to vote for keystrokes being executed in game.


Our product works as an extended version. Streamers on any streaming service, playing any game, can now use our platform to define which keys are "controllable" by their viewers. After inviting them to their Slack channel, where our bot is present, viewers can collectively (and chaotically) vote for keystrokes to send to a host’s OS in realtime.

The platform is built in Python using Flask running on Heroku. The Slack API is used to send the message contents to our server. Messages are filtered and aggregated every X seconds or X messages (set by the streamer) before being sent to the streamers' OS.

The plan

The two of us really took a liking of the project and have decided to take it further. Our current expansion plans are as follows:

  1. Refacting the code for it to look less like a hack, and more like a long-term project
  2. Integrate Google login for streamers.
  3. Integrate payment.
  4. Investigate on a method to trigger OS keystrokes on an external network.
  5. Integrate with additional platforms (think Twitch).
  6. TBD

If this looks cool to you, check it out on Devpost or GitHub.