
A quick, easy, reliable smartphone-based diagnostics tool for oral forms of STIs.

What is HealthHack?

The IC HealthHack is a competition which brings together a community of students to work on ideas that require interdisciplinary excellence. At HealthHack, we focus on the development of serious games, software tools and wearables for the public health sector taking advantage of biomedical technologies. The mix of bioengineering, coding skills and domain-specific medical knowledge is what makes this event unique.

 Ok, but what did you do?

Worldwide statistics for STIs are alarming, and yet their stigmatisation and slow healthcare administration often cause delays in treatment. We wanted to offer a solution to this problem, that fit into a smart-phone application.

Munsjuk is a quick, easy, reliable smartphone-based diagnostics for oral forms of STIs. As a team of 5, we built it in 48 hours for the Hack. The back-end is built in Python using OpenCV for computer vision. The front-end is built using both Flask and Swift.

The back-end (serverside) is built in Python using OpenCV for computer vision. The front-end is both built using Flask and Swift. Medical accuracy was ensured using the recommended best practice and up-to-date medical textbooks.

If this looks cool to you, check it out on Devpost or GitHub.